The principal Speaks

An Investment in knowledge pays The Best Interest


The  Principal, who continues her  association with the school as its board member, urges me to write for it! What is the difference between all-round development and holistic development? Does all-round development lead to holistic development or does a school need different wherewithal to bring about holistic development? To my mind all schools struggle with these basic questions as they are conceived, delivered, toddle, grow up and age. What the questions will do to the being of the school will surely vary from school to school and from time to time depending on the emphasis given to the essentials and first principles by the educators of the school. The subtlety and seriousness with which the struggle is enjoyed by a school may determine what kind of school will emerge and what kind of a course it will take. Being aware of this process, we would like to engage in asking the above, and related questions, in our hearts so that the educational processes which emerge will have the fragrance of what will be “good” for children in all aspects of their childhood, growth and existence - so that they might realize their uniqueness in this infinite universe and perceive their oneness with it. This brochure makes an attempt to present a simple and inadequate picture of our experiments and attempts in school education. Surely with the support of like minded people and serious parents we should be able to dig deeper into the joyful and responsible endeavor of education! Suddenly and spontaneously a thin yet clear relationship appears to have been noticed between what our school essentially is and what its brochure intends to convey!